On the Internet Asifa and its Edicts

Resolved: Orthodox Jews (and Jewesses too!) are only allowed to make use of the Internet for business purposes.


A Chasidishe woman is an internet porn star

Hasidic Porn

On Shavuos

God agrees to a sit-down interview.


God is asked in an interview on Sinai if it's true that his book is not entirely accurate


And the winner is…

Note:  scroll down to see newer posts.

Hello again, readers and contributors! After much mysterious deliberation in shadowy corners of existence the winner of the contest was decided by majority vote. And the winner is…

But first, let us thank all those who contributed in private and public, here and elsewhere. They were wonderful and funny and inspiring and thoughtful. Thank you one and all for the contributions. It is your enthusiasm and encouragement that keeps us going forward! Please keep it up! We hope to make these contests a recurring feature on this blog.

And now, the caption contest winner is…

“I already disagreed on Twitter. Find me @Sheina-Meidel.”


May caption contest with winning caption

May Caption Contest


By Pini Friedman!

Pini, step forward to claim your prize! And all the others: again, thank you SO much for playing. We appreciate and depend on your support!

On Freedom

Hasidim have a new Slogan…


A Live Free Or Die sign in a Hasidic cemetery

On Freedom

On Mother’s Day and Yiddishkeit

Happy Mother’s Day!


A Hassidic mother tells a son or daughter on the phone that if she hadn't left yiddishkeit then every day would be mother's day

Mother’s Day